Modern Classics Theater Company of Long Island
149 S. Wellwood Ave, Lindenhurst, the home of the Babylon Citizens Council on the Arts (BACCA). We seat sixty. We are wheelchair accessible under the umbrella of BACCA.
Company History:
The theater was originally called ‘Phoenix Repertory Theater Company’ which was formed in February of 2018. A new board was put in place in June of 2019 and we are now called ‘Modern Classics Theatre Company of Long Island’ (MCT for short).
Catherine Mazzeo Clyne, President, Joseph Slater, Vice President, Bobbie Ruth Levy, Vice President, Karen Brucia, Secretary and Jim Black, Treasurer. These are the only consistent folks from show to show. We each handle different aspects of production and we use different technical staff with each show.
Favorite Production:
A Few Good Men this past spring. The cast was among the most talented i have ever worked with and their ability to maneuver in our small space was amazing. I also love the theme of this play which to me is truth. Also, in this play each character changes so specifically –for better or worse.
Personal Favorite Play:
The Laramie Project. I was able to play many characters and to help communicate the story of a young boy who was brutally murdered because he was gay. It is an important message that should be told often. I love this piece because it is brilliantly written and I happened to have an amazing director. The subject is close to home to me as well. I believe we can open and change minds through theater and this play is a prime example of how.
Most Memorable On Stage Incident:
While this incident did not occur during my involvement with MCT, it is one I tell over and over. I would call it darkly funny and slightly crazy. I was playing the murderer in a murder mystery dinner theater production and while performing my final monologue where I draw my gun and attempt to make my escape, a young man from the audience (which were all members of an upscale country club) who was extremely drunk jumped me and tried to wrestle the gun out of my hand. The men in our cast proceeded to attempt to remove the young man from me and a bar room type brawl ensued ending in one of our cast members almost getting his nose broken. I, however, would not give up the gun and was determined to finish my monologue which I waited all evening to say. I succeeded. We never performed there again.
Upcoming Season:
We are producing seven main stage non musical shows. These shows are those seldom seen on Long Island incorporating modern classics. We are also showcasing the work of local writers and having a one minute play festival where we will invite the community to submit their work. The play festival will be up in June but we will start asking for submissions in March 2020. We will have an evening of improv as well this season in February.
Future Plans:
We hope to continue to improve our productions by learning from what works and what doesn’t. We have been fortunate to attract many talented actors and directors and we would like to continue to do so. We have applied for a grant this year and, if it is awarded to us, we hope to use the funds to improve our productions on every level.
Previous Theatres: