Performance Details

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ShowThe Sunshine Boys
Written ByNeil Simon
DirectorDavid Dubin
CompanyStudio Theatre of Long Island
VenueManes Studio Theatre
141 S. Wellwood Ave.
OpenedSep 2024
TimesSept 20-Oct 6 - Fri, Sat at 8pm, Sun at 2:30, Thur Sept 26 at 8pm
CostAdults $35, Sr.'s/Students/Military/First Responders $30
DescriptionA Neil Simon "classic" about the relationship of a comedy team that were headliners in the days of vaudeville and early television.
Note*OCTOBER 6TH STREET CLOSURE NOTICE: Wellwood Ave will be closed from 9am -6pm for Ocktoberfest. Please allow yourself plenty of time to find parking and walk to the theatre.*