Performance Details

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ShowPlaylets and Poetry Festival
DirectorNicholas Auletti
CompanyNortheast Stage
VenueHoly Trinity Episcopal Church & Jamesport Meeting House
See dates for locations
Greenport & Jamesport
Dates10/18 - 10/27
Times10/18 - 7:00 PM at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church , 10/19 - 7:00 PM at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, 10/20 - 5:00 PM at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, 10/24 - 7:00 PM at Jamesport Meeting House 10/25 - 7:00 PM at Jamesport Meeting House 10/26 - 7:00 PM at Jamesport Meeting House 10 27 - 5:00 PM at Jamesport Meeting House
CostAll tickets are $20
Ticket InfoTickets can also be purchased at the door.
DescriptionNortheast Stage is proud to present its first Playlets and Poetry Festival! The Opening Night Reception, which will include food and drink, will be held on October 18th. Northeast Stage proudly supports the Greenport, Jamesport, and surrounding communities. Northeast Stage's Playlet and Poetry Festival encompasses ten Halloween-themed one-acts and adapted poetry into one night of theatre. When the theatre troupe, The Macabre Masqueraders, gets stuck in a basement during a wild tornado, they perform their repertoire of ghoulish and supernatural plays and poetry to pass the time.