Performance Details

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ShowSly Fox by Larry Gelbart
Written ByLarry Gelbart
DirectorKathy Becker
CompanyHardscrabble Theater
VenueSt. Thomas Episcopal Church
298 Conklin Street
Dates10/19 - 11/03
Times10/19 8 pm 10/20 3 pm 10/25 8 pm 10/26 8 pm 10/27 3 pm 11/2 8 pm 11/3 3 pm
CostAdults $25, Seniors and Students $20
Ticket InfoVirginia Green - or Glenn Rivano -
Description"Sly Fox" is a hilarious play by Larry Gelbart, inspired by Ben Jonson's Volpone. Set in 19th century San Francisco, the farce follows the cunning Foxwell J. Sly as he tricks the town into believing he's dying. With four greedy citizens competing for his fortune, the play is a comedic rollercoaster of deception and greed.