Performance Details

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ShowThe Diary of Anne Frank
Written ByFrances Goodrich and Albert Hackett, newly adapted by Wendy Kesselman
DirectorDanny Higgins
CompanyEastLine Theatre
VenueEastLine Theatre
149 North Wellwood Avenue
OpenedFeb 2024
TimesSaturday, February 10 - 8PM Sunday, February 11 - 3PM Saturday, February 17 - 8PM Sunday, February 18 - 3PM Monday, February 19 - 2PM Saturday, February 24 - 8PM Sunday, February 25 - 3PM
CostAll seating is general admission. Tickets are $25 and available at
DescriptionBased on the true story, Anne Frank emerges from history a living, lyrical, gifted young girl, who confronts her rapidly changing life with astonishing honesty, wit, and determination. An impassioned drama about the lives of eight people hiding from the Nazis in a concealed storage attic, The Diary of Anne Frank captures the claustrophobic realities of their daily existence—their fear, their hope, their laughter, their grief. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Drama.
NoteThe Diary of Anne Frank by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett, newly adapted by Wendy Kesselman is directed by Danny Higgins and presented by EastLine Theatre in partnership with the Babylon Citizens Council on the Arts. Stage management is by Matt Rosenberg.