Performance Details

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ShowRock of Ages
CompanyCultural Arts Playhouse
VenueCultural Arts Playhouse
170 Michael Drive
OpenedJun 2024
TimesSat - June 22nd 8:00pm Sun - June 23rd 3:00pm FRI - June 28th 8:00pm Sat - June 29th 8:00pm SUN - June 30th 3:00pm FRI - July 5th 8:00pm Sat - July 6th 8:00pm SUN - July 7th 3:00pm FRI - July 12th 8:00pm Sat - July 13th 8:00pm SUN - July 14th 3:00pm FRI - July 19th 8:00pm Sat - July 20th 8:00pm SUN - July 21st 3:00pm
CostAdult - $30, Senior/Student - $25