Performance Details

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ShowThe Last Romance
TypeRomantic Comedy
Written ByJoe DiPietro
CompanyClare Rose Playhouse
VenueClare Rose Playhouse
155 Roe Blvd
Dates09/27 - 10/13
Times9/27 - 8pm 9/28 - 8pm 9/29 - 3pm 10/4 - 8pm 10/5 - 8pm 10/6 - 3pm 10/11 - 8pm 10/12 - 8pm 10/13 - 3pm
CostAdults - $18, Seniors - $15
Ticket InfoCall 631-654-0199 for reservations or leave message with any questions.
DescriptionA crush can make anyone feel young again—even a widower named Ralph. On an ordinary day in a routine life, Ralph decides to take a different path on his daily walk—one that leads him to an unexpected second chance at love. Relying on a renewed boyish charm, Ralph attempts to woo the elegant, but distant, Carol. Defying Carol’s reticence—and his lonely sister’s jealousy—Ralph embarks on the trip of a lifetime, and regains a happiness that seemed all but lost.