Performance Details

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ShowStones In His Pockets
CompanyClare Rose Playhouse
VenueClare Rose Playhouse
155 W Roe Blvd
OpenedApr 2024
TimesFridays and Saturdays at 8pm. Sundays at 3pm.
CostAdults - $18, Seniors - $15
Ticket Info(631) 654-0199 for reservations
DescriptionTragicomedy about a small rural town in Ireland where many of the townspeople are employed as extras on a Hollywood film. The story centers on 2 extras, Charlie and Jake, who perform all 15 characters (men and women), often switching gender and voice swiftly and with minimal costume change. The comedy derives from the efforts of the production crew to create a proper "Irish feel" – a romanticized ideal that conflicts with the reality of daily life.