Performance Details

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ShowBetter Late
Written ByLarry Gelbart
CompanyClare Rose Playhouse
VenueClare Rose Playhouse
155 W. Roe Blvd
OpenedFeb 2024
TimesFri. and Sat. 2/23, 2/24, 3/1, 3/2, 3/8, 3/9 @ 8:00 Sundays 2/25, 3/3, 3/10 @ 3:00
CostGeneral admission $18 Students/Seniors $15
Ticket Info631-654-0199
DescriptionJulian is forced to move in with his ex-wife and her new husband in order to recuperate from a sudden illness. With each passing day the awkward situation spirals further and further out of control. As the laughter builds, the question becomes how long will Julian have to stay?
NoteEntrance to Clare Rose Playhouse is on the south Sunrise Highway Service Rd, East of Waverly Ave.