Performance Details

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ShowJekyll and Hyde
DirectorPatrick Campbell
CompanyCM Performing Arts Center
VenueNoel S. Ruiz Theatre
931 Montauk Highway
Dates10/05 - 10/19
TimesOct 5-19. Fri and Sat at 8pm, Sun at 2pm, Wed Oct 9 at 2pm
DescriptionAn evocative tale of two men – one, a doctor, passionate and romantic; the other, a terrifying madman – and two women – one, beautiful and trusting; the other, beautiful and trusting only herself– both women in love with the same man and both unaware of his dark secret. A devoted man of science, Dr. Henry Jekyll is driven to find a chemical breakthrough that can solve some of mankind’s most challenging medical dilemmas. Rebuffed by the powers that be, he decides to make himself the subject of his own experimental treatments, accidentally unleashing his inner demons along with the man that the world would come to know as Mr. Hyde.