Performance Details

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ShowSound, Fury & Shakespeare
DirectorGabby Fidis
CompanyParkside Players
VenueGrace Lutheran Church
103-15 Union Turnpike
Forest Hills
Dates05/18 - 06/02
TimesMay 18, 25, 31, June 1 at 8:00pm May 19, 26, June 2 at 2:00pm
CostAdults $25; Seniors/Students $22
Ticket InfoCall: 646-481-0677 Email:
DescriptionWe know you know Shakespeare, but you’ve never known Shakespeare like this. You're about to get reacquainted with Sir. William in a whole new way. Our serendipitous Shakespeare-themed season continues with a musical revue… but not just any old musical revue. Get ready to rock out to some Shakespeare (we can't believe we wrote that sentence). We know what you're thinking: What do you mean, Parkside Players? How can I possibly "rock out" to William Shakespeare's plays? He didn't write musicals, and it's all old classic-y stuff. Well, our next show, directed and conceived by Gabby Fidis, combines your beloved Bard-created characters with some of your favorite rock bands and artists. Ever thought you would see Hamlet singing Billy Joel? Lady MacBeth singing Carol King? Iago singing Tina Turner? Neither did we…Until we did. Tickets are on sale now for this edgy, original, and exciting show, chock full of your favorite rock tunes. Can't wait to rock out with you…and Marc Antony, Cleopatra, and Desdemona…the list goes on and on.